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Computer Science SL Questionbank

Welcome to our Computer Science SL questionbank! In here you will find tons of exercises regarding the theory you will need to ace your IB finals, as well as Java courses to help you with your introduction to programming.


System Fundamentals

System Architecture, Systems in Organizations, Documentation, Operating Systems

Computer Organization

Memory Hierarchy, Logic Expressions, Binary, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Bases, CPU Architecture


Network Topologies, OSI Model, Protocls, VPN, Network Design

Computational Thinking

UML Diagrams, Pseudocode, Trace Tables, Algorithms, Parallel Arrays

Java: Introduction

Variables & Input

String, Integer, Char, Double, Boolean Variable Types, User Input Prompt, Mathematical Operations

IF Statements

IF, ELIF, ELSE Statements for Numerical Operations and Text


For Loops, While Loops, Loops Control Statement (break), Combination of Loops and IF Statements

Java: Inermediate


One-dimensional Arrays, Indexing, Combining Loops and Arrays, Combining IF Statements and Arrays


Defining Methods, Calling Methods, Methods with Paremeters, Various Method Types


Defining Methods, Calling Methods, Methods with Paremeters, Various Method Types