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In this section you can learn about upcoming events and webinars. Access to those live sessions is for PREMIUM users only, STANDARD users can access the recorded versions of chosen sessions.

Jan Jagielski

15th October 2024
7:00-7:45 PM CEST

Studying in the USA

Interested in studying in the USA? Then come to our webinar with Jan, a student from Five Towns College in New York, with a full atheltic scholarship!

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Upcoming Webinars

Fiorella Gallardo

1st November 2024
7:00-7:45 PM CEST

Studying in the UK

Join our webinar in which Fiorella Gallardo Sarti, a recent Law graduate from the University of Cambridge, will share her experiences from the time spent as a student in the UK.

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Anubha Chaudhary

30th November 2024
7:00-7:45 PM CEST

Oxford vs. Cambridge

Choosing between one of the two institutions has been an ongoing topic in the academic world, as you can't apply to both. Learn about their differences and similarities in our webinar!

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Mateusz Kostrz

5th January 2025
7:00-7:45 PM CEST

Studying in the Netherlands

In this webinar we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying in the Nethelrnads, as well as talk about the most prestigious institutions in this country.

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