More than 500 past papers (the latest ones) from Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, and History with grading schemes. Our supported subjects will also substantially expand in the coming months.
A database of 1000+ exam-style questions which were created by analyzing hundreds of past papers. They will also have a thorough answer attached to them to allow you for a smooth comparison of your own results.
Did we say that everybody who develops this platform went to a world-leading university? Well, they did, and they will share the most important information and personal stories about their time at university in detailed reports.
You will also be granted access to webinars recorded by members of our team, during which they will share their perspective on studying abroad, passing their final exams, choosing the right degree, and many more!
We are also simultaneously working on our AI technology which will allow you to instantenously check the correctness of your answers and will give you real-time feedback.
We decided to name it Koala. Why? No clue.