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Doppler Effect

Question 1

A stationary source emits sound of wavelength \( \lambda \) and speed \( v \), then it starts moving towards the observer. What are the changes that take place?

  • A) \( \lambda \) decreases, Speed increases
  • B) \( \lambda \) increases, Speed increases
  • C) \( \lambda \) decreases, Speed doesn't change
  • D) \( \lambda \) decreases, Speed decreases

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Question 2

A Formula 1 car is going between person A and B, from A to B while emitting sound of frequency \(f\). How will the 2 frequencies observed by the 2 people compare?

  • A) Person A: smaller than \(f\), Person B: same as \(f\)
  • B) Person A: larger than \(f\), Person B: larger than \(f\)
  • C) Person A: larger than \(f\), Person B: same as \(f\)
  • D) Person A: smaller than \(f\), Person B: larger than \(f\)

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Question 3

How does the spectrum of hydrogen compare when there is no relative motion between the hydrogen sample and the observer and when they are moving further away from each other?

  • A) In both cases the spectrum will look identical.
  • B) When they are moving away the wavelengths will be shorter.
  • C) When they are moving away the wavelengths will be longer.
  • D) When they are moving away the long wavelengths will be shorter and the short wavelengths will get longer.

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Question 4

What does Hubble's law state?

  • A) When light moves away from us they are red shifted.
  • B) When light moves towards us they are red shifted.
  • C) The velocity that a galaxy is moving away from us with, is proportional to the distance that it is away from us.
  • D) The velocity that a galaxy is moving away from us with, is inversely proportional to the distance that it is away from us.

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Question 5

Light of wavelength \(\lambda_1\) is emitted by a distant galaxy. The wavelength observed on Earth is \(\lambda_2\), where \(\lambda_2 > \lambda_1\), what can we say about the motion of the galaxy?

  • A) It is not moving relative to the Earth.
  • B) It is moving away from the Earth.
  • C) It is moving towards the Earth.
  • D) We do not have enough information to tell.

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