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Voronoi Diagrams

Question 1

[Maximum mark: 19]

Let's consider the following Voronoi diagram.

a) How many sites are in this diagram?

b) How many vertices are in this diagram?

c) How many cells are in this diagram?

d) Give the equation of the bisector between points \( C \) and \( D \).

e) Draw that bisector on the graph, and use this to build the missing edge.

f) Give the equation of the other four edges in this diagram.

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Question 2

[Maximum mark: 8]

The following Voronoi diagram represents cell tower coverage in a rectangular area. The dashed lines represent the edges of the associated Voronoi diagram. Any units on the diagram are kilometers.

One of the towers is in the red zone, but its coordinates are unknown. The edge connecting vertices \( A \) and \( B \) has the equation \( x = 1 \).

a) Find the coordinates of tower \( T_2 \).

b) Find the equation of the edge between towers \( T_3 \) and \( T_4 \).

Matthew is at coordinates \((-3, 2)\).

c) Explain which tower he gets the strongest signal from.

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Question 3

[Maximum mark: 16]

An archipelago has three islands \(1\), \(2\), and \(3\). On these islands, we can find four cell phone towers \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\), represented below with their Voronoi diagram. Each unit on the axes represents \(1\) km.

Jane lives on island \(1\).

a) Which towers can pick up her phone’s signal?

Jane lives at the point \((6, 10)\).

b) What tower is picking up her phone signal when she’s at home?

Jane goes to work three kilometers to the south of her home.

c) What tower is picking up her phone’s signal at her workplace?

Kyle lives on island \(3\).

d) What tower picks up his phone signal?

Kyle takes a ship from the north of island \(3\) at coordinates \((12, 7)\) to the most eastern point of island \(1\) at coordinates \((12, 12)\).

e) At what coordinates will his phone pick up a different tower’s signal?

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Question 4

[Maximum mark: 15]

A neighborhood has \(4\) coffee shops, represented as the sites on this Voronoi diagram.

Rachel is situated at coordinates \(R(4, 4)\). She wants to walk the shortest distance possible.

a) What coffee shop should she go to?

Rachel’s friend Simon is situated at coordinates \((5, 6)\). He also wants to walk as little as possible.

b) What are his options?

c) Where should Rachel and Simon meet up?

d) Where should they meet up if coffee shop \(C\) is closed?

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Question 5

[Maximum mark: 18]

A touristic city is represented below in green. This city has four historical monuments \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\), represented as well along with their Voronoi diagram.

The bus lines of this city follow along the boundaries of the Voronoi diagram.

a) On what points of the Voronoi diagram are the bus stops situated?

b) What are the closest monuments to Bus Stop \(2\)?

Lisa is starting a day trip at Bus Stop \(1\). She goes to Bus Stop \(2\). During the day, she will be tracking her total walked kilometers.

c) How much will Lisa have to walk to reach Monument \(C\) from Bus Stop \(2\)?

d) Using their coordinates, show that Monument \(B\) is in the middle of Monuments \(A\) and \(C\).

e) Starting at Monument \(C\), how much will Lisa have to walk to reach:

(i) Monument \(B\)?

(ii) Monument \(A\)?

Lisa decides to go home for the day after visiting Monument \(A\). She walks to Bus Stop \(3\) and rides the bus all the way back to her starting point.

f) What is the total distance Lisa has walked today?

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Question 6

[Maximum mark: 18]

A city has a square perimeter, represented in gray on the diagram below, where the units are kilometers. There are three primary schools in this city, represented in blue by points \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\), with their Voronoi diagram.

a) Find the distance \(JM_3\).

b) Which school covers the highest area in the city?

Kelly is a new teacher in town. She found a house that is situated \(2.3\) km away from both school \(A\) and school \(B\).

c) Find the \(y\)-coordinate of Kelly's house.

d) Find the \(x\)-coordinate of Kelly's house, given to two significant figures.

e) Where does Kelly work?

f) Find the distance between Kelly and her workplace, to one significant figure.

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Question 7

[Maximum mark: 7]

The Voronoi diagram below shows three weather stations \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\), set in a square area of land. The diagram's unit is kilometers.

a) Write the equations of each of the boundaries of the diagram.

b) Find the area of the regions containing vertices:

(i) \(A\)

(ii) \(B\)

(iii) \(C\)

A fourth weather station is built at point \(D(5, 7)\). The perpendicular bisectors between \(D\) and the other points are shown as dashed lines on the diagram below.

c) Replicate the diagram, and update the Voronoi diagram so it includes \(D\) as a site.

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Question 8

[Maximum mark: 16]

A garden has six trees planted in it, represented by points on the following Voronoi diagram.

The architect wants to dig a pond, but it needs to be as far away as possible from the trees to avoid disrupting their roots.

a) Where should the architect build the pond?

Before the pond can be dug, a new tree is planted at point \(T(8, 2)\).

b) Give the equation of the bisector of segment \([BT]\).

c) Give the equation of the bisector of segment \([DT]\).

d) Draw the Voronoi diagram above, including the cell around \(T\)

e) Does the pond need to change positions?

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Question 9

[Maximum mark: 8]

Researchers plant sensors in a rectangular area to study wild animals. Each sensor can detect animals in a certain part of the area, as depicted in the Voronoi diagram below, where all units are in decameters.

Voronoi Diagram

The scientists want to add one more sensor, as far away from the other sensors as possible, to avoid spooking the animals.

The vertices of this diagram are situated at coordinates \((5, 4)\) and \((10, 5.7)\).

a) Find the best coordinates to place this new sensor, called \(S_{5}\).

b) Give the equations of the perpendicular bisectors between this new sensor and:

(i) Site \(1\)

(ii) Site \(2\)

(iii) Site \(3\)

c) Replicate the above Voronoi diagram, adding this new site.

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