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Number Skills

Question 1

[Maximum mark: 6]

The answer found to a given problem is \(w=0.3862901\).

a) State value \(w\) correct to 2 significant figures.

b) Write down the exact value of \(w\) in the form \(a * 10^k\), where \(1 < a < 10\) and state the value of k.

c) Provided the correct answer to the value of \(w\) is 0.427, what is the percentage error (to 2 decimal places) in the answer found?

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Question 2

[Maximum mark: 8]

Given that \(p = \frac{8cos(θ)}{3x + 2y} + z\), where \(θ=45°, \ x=6, \ y=9, \ and \ z=4\). Calculate the value of \(p\) in formats given below.

a) Calculate the exact value of \(p\).

b) Write down your answer from part (a) rounded to 3 decimal points.

c) Write down your answer from part (a) in the form \(a * 10^k\), where \(k=2\)

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Question 3

[Maximum mark: 12]

A cuboid has the following dimensions: length = 4.8 cm, height = 9.1 cm, width = 5.8 cm.

a) Calculate the exact volume of the cuboid in cm3.

b) Give the value obtained in part (a) to dm3.

c) Write the answer for part (a) correct to 2 significant figures.

Mark is instructed to paint the cuboid using black and white paint. Black paint is used for the top and bottom (4.8cm x 5.8cm), and white paint is used for the sides. The cost of covering 1cm2 with black paint is 0.15$, and with white paint it is 0.12$.

d) How much will mark have to spend to paint the entire cuboid? Round your answer to 2 decimal points.

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Question 4

[Maximum mark: 9]

Given that \(q = \frac{12x^2sin(α)}{5x^2 + 2y}\) where \(α=60°, \ x=3, \ y=9\).

a) Calculate the value of \(q\) in the simplest form of \(\frac{v\sqrt{3}}{w}\), where \(v\) and \(w\) are positive integers.

b) Find the value of \(q\) rounded to 3 significant figures.

c) Write down your answer to part (b) in the form \(a * 10^k\), where \(k=4\)

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Question 5Register

[Maximum mark: 7]

Consider a cylinder, as shown on the figure below:

a) Find the volume of the cylinder (to 3 significant figures).

Blue paint is being used to paint the entire cylinder, apart from its top.

b) Calculate the area of the cylinder painted in blue to 2 decimal places.

The cost of 1cm2 of the paint is $0.05. Sara would estimate the cost of having painted the cylinder blue to be $20.

c) Using your answer to part (b), what is the percentage error in Sara’s estimate? Round your answer to two decimal places.

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Question 6Register

[Maximum mark: 9]

The volume of a trapezoidal is given by:

\[ V = \frac{1}{2}(a + b) * h * l\]

Where a = short base, b = long base, h = height, l = length.

Consider a trapezoidal prism in which a = 2.4cm, b = 3.6cm, h = 3.1cm, and l = 8cm.

a) Calculate its volume.

b) Round your answer to the neareast integer.

c) Write down the exact value for the volume in the form \(a * 10^k\), where \(1000 < a < 10000\) and state the value of k.

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Question 7Premium

[Maximum mark: 6]

The formula for the distance between two points is given by:

\[ \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}\]

Consider point A with coordinates (3,5), and points B with coordinates (6,1).

a) Find the distance between points A and B.

Now, consider point C with coordinates (2,4), and points D with coordinates (8,9). Alex believes that the distance between points C and D is twice the distance between points A and B.

b) Find out whether Alex was correct.

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