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Systems of Linear Equations

Question 1

[Maximum mark: 20]

Solve the following systems of equations with the method asked for.

a) By elimination:

\[\text{(1) } 2x + 5y = 11\]

\[\text{(2) } x - y = 2\]

b) By substitution:

\[\text{(1) } -2x + 3y = 4\]

\[\text{(2) } 4x + y = 20\]

c) By elimination:

\[\text{(1) } 3x - 5y = 1\]

\[\text{(2) } 2x + 15y = 19\]

d) With technology:

\[\text{(1) } 0.005x + 0.02y = 0.064\]

\[\text{(2) } 0.002x + 0.03y = 0.081\]

e) With technology:

\[\text{(1) } 3x + 2y + 2z = -1\]

\[\text{(2) } 6x - 2y - z = -2\]

\[\text{(3) } x + 3y + 2z = 7\]

f) With technology:

\[\text{(1) } 8x + 3y + 12z = 51\]

\[\text{(2) } 11x - 7y + 6z = 25\]

\[\text{(3) } x + 2y = 16\]

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Question 2

[Maximum mark: 12]

For each of the following situations, express the corresponding system of linear equations.

a) For breakfast, Martin is having strawberries and blackberries. He ate 15 fruits, and twice as many blackberries than strawberries. We’re looking for how many of each he ate.

b) A merchant in the Middle Ages is weighing jewelry to decide their price. He weighs 6 identical necklaces and 12 pearls. The total weight is 86 grams, and a necklace weighs 10 more grams than a pearl. We’re looking for how much necklaces and pearls weigh.

c) A group of three friends meet up in an online game. Together, they have a total of 151 health points. The fighter of the group has twice as many health points as the wizard. The wizard has 23 fewer health points than the archer. We’re looking for each character’s individual health points.

d) An amusement park tracks its revenue over a weekend. There are three different types of tickets available at this park, for different prices. The results are as follow:

Day Revenue ($) Adult Tickets Sold Senior Tickets Sold Children Tickets Sold
Friday 200,000 450 100 500
Saturday 278,760 630 90 840
Sunday 239,680 540 110 610

We're looking for how much each of these tickets costs.

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Question 3

[Maximum mark: 9]

A company has two factories (A and B), both of which manufacture two kinds of motors (motor 1 and motor 2). The manager knows that factory A produces 56 and 37 units of motors 1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, factory B produces 23 and 41 units of each motor, respectively. The total costs for factory A are $8,892, and for factory B are $6,026.

a) Assuming that the cost for motor 1 and motor 2 is the same in both factories, write down the system of linear equations for this problem.

b) What is the cost of producing each of the motors?

The manager realizes that there is some spare capacity for factory B. He wants to increase production while capping the total costs for that factory at $10,500.

c) If he expects to produce 15 more motors of type 2 than type 1, what is the maximum number of extra motors that factory B can produce of each type?

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Question 4

[Maximum mark: 12]

The prices for a fast-food restaurant are shown in euros in the following table.

Menu Price ($)
Normal 5
Maxi 8
Mini 4

A group of 15 friends go there for a birthday party. The bill total is 81$, and the group remembers that they ordered one more Normal menu than there were Maxi menus.

Let \( x \) be the number of Normal menus, \( y \) the number of Maxi menus, and \( z \) the number of Mini menus.

a) Write down a system of three equations that expresses the situation above.

b) Find out how many of each menu were ordered.

c) One of the friends in the group, Laura, who ate a Normal menu, decides she will also pay for everyone who took a Maxi. How much will Laura pay in total?

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Question 5

[Maximum mark: 11]

A webcomic artist has to write a script for and draw each page that they publish on their website. They tracked their progress over one weekend.

On Saturday, they worked for 8 hours and 30 minutes. They wrote 9 pages, and drew 2.

On Sunday, they worked for 9 hours. They wrote 6 pages, and drew 3.

Let \( w \) be the time it takes to write a page, and \( d \) the time to draw a page.

a) Write the system of equations that expresses the information given above.

b) Solve the system by substitution to find how long it takes the artist to write a page, and how long it takes to write one.

c) Draw a sketch to show how we can find these values graphically.

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Question 6

[Maximum mark: 12]

Helen likes to knit. Lately, she made two scarves, using gray and black yarns.

  • For her first scarf, she used 500 meters of yarn in total: a full ball of gray yarn, and two- thirds of a ball of black yarn.
  • For the second scarf, she used 350 meters of yarn in total: a full ball of gray yarn, the remaining third of a ball of black yarn.

Helen wants to make a third one, but she has run into a problem: she doesn’t remember how many meters come in the balls of yarn of each color. We call \( x \) the length of yarn in a black ball, and \( y \) the length in a gray ball of yarn.

a) Write the system of equations for the situation described above.

b) Using the following graph, find how many meters are in each ball of yarn.

c) This new scarf will use twice as much gray yarn as black yarn. In total, it needs 1,800 meters of yarn to be complete. We want to know what length of yarn we will need in each color. Write and solve a new system of equations to find this out.

d) How many balls of yarn of each color should Helen order?

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Question 7

[Maximum mark: 8]

Sarah is working for the European Environment Agency. She wants to know the actual power consumption of some electric appliances. She focuses on fridges, TVs, and lightbulbs first and has good reason to believe that there is no difference in power consumption for these appliances in three different households. The following table shows the amount of time each appliance is used in each household and the total energy consumed:

Household Fridge [h] TV [h] LightBulbs [h] Energy consumption [kWh]
#1 24 5 4 1.272
#2 9 12 16 1.215
#3 15 8 7 1.128

a) State the system of linear equations that represent the previous problem using \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\) to represent the power consumption of each appliance in W.

b) Find the values of \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\).

Sarah's energy consumption habits are as follows:

Household Fridge [h] TV [h] LightBulbs [h] Washing Machine [h] Energy consumption [kWh]
Sarah 10 3 11 2 7.005

c) What is the power consumption of Sarah's washing machine in W?

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Question 8

[Maximum mark: 9]

Consider the following parabola \(f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c\) where \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) are real numbers. Given the following known values:

\(x\) -1 2 3
\(f(x)\) 0 66 148

a) Write down a system of linear equations to find \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\).

b) Find the values of \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) by using elimination.

c) What is the \(y\) coordinate for the minimum point of the graph of \(f(x)\)? Give your answer in the form \(\frac{m}{n}\), where \(m\) and \(n\) are coprime positive integers.

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Question 9

[Maximum mark: 12]

Two siblings, Maddie and David are playing a game. They each roll a six-sided die. David tells Maddie how many points he has on his face, but he has to guess Maddie’s with the hints she gives him.

Maddie tells him that he has 3 more points than her, and that the product of their points is 10.

a) Write a system of equations that represents the situation above.

b) Write this system as a single polynomial equation.

c) Find the roots of the equation you wrote.

d) What number did David and Maddie get on their dice?

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Question 10

[Maximum mark: 15]

Maddie and David invite Jane over to play with them. They all throw a six-sided die, and only Maddie knows all three results. They have to guess how many points everybody got on their die based on Maddie’s hints.

Maddie says “I had 1 more point than Jane, but 2 less than David. If you multiply our results, you find 8.”

a) Express the above situation as a system of equations.

b) Write this system as a single polynomial equation.

c) Find the root(s) of the equation you wrote.

d) What number did everybody get on their dice?

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Question 11

[Maximum mark: 7]

The following diagram shows the graph of \(f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c\).

a) Find the values of \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\).

b) The graph intersects the line \(y - 8x = 88\) at \((m, n)\) with \(n > 0\). Find the value of \(m\).

c) Let \((h, k)\) be its vertex. What is the value of \(k\)?

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Question 12

[Maximum mark: 9]

The diagram below shows the graph of a cubic function \(f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d\) and a line \(y = mx + k\).

a) State the system of equations to find the values of \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\).

b) Find the values of \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\).

c) Find the values of \(m\) and \(k\) and the coordinates of point \(A\).

d) The function \(f(x)\) has a root at \(-5\). The other two roots have the form \(\frac{p \pm \sqrt{r}}{q}\), where \(p\), \(q\), and \(r\) are in \(\mathbb{Z}\). Find \(r\).

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