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Question 1

[Maximum mark: 10]

Helen is ordering food at a restaurant. She can have Steak, Chicken, or Turkey, with a side of either Rice, Pasta, or Lettuce.

a) List the sample space of the possible menus.

b) List the sample space of the event “Menu with Pasta”.

c) Show the event A: “Menu with Pasta” on a Venn diagram.

It turns out you can also order a drink. The drinks are called 1, 2, and 3.

d) List the new sample space of the event “Menu with Pasta”.

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Question 2

[Maximum mark: 14]

Lucy loves reading and has 72 books on her bookshelves. She reads from three different genres: Horror, Fantasy, and Romance. The following table show how many she has of each, and how many she has already read.

Genre Fantasy (F) Romance (R) Horror (H)
Number of books 28 20 24
Books already read 20 16 12

Lucy picks a book to read at random. What are the probabilities she will pick:

a) A Fantasy book?

b) A Fantasy book she has already read?

c) A book of any genre that she has already read?

d) A book she hasn’t read yet?

Lucy looks at the book cover and sees she has already read it.

e) What is the probability that it’s a Horror book?

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Question 3

[Maximum mark: 10]

Charlie has a bag with colorful marbles in it: 3 Blue and 5 Green. He takes two marbles randomly from the bag, one after the other.

a) Draw the tree diagram of the possible outcomes.

b) Find the probability of getting two Blue marbles.

c) Find the probability of getting a Blue and a Green marble.

d) What is the probability of getting two marbles of the same color?

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Question 4

[Maximum mark: 12]

A standard deck of cards has 52 cards. There are four suits in a deck (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs), with 13 cards in each (Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K).

A: “Get a spade”

B: “Get a King”

C: “Get a card with an even number on it”

D: "Get a heart"

a) Interpret the event \(A \cap B\). What element(s) are in it?

b) What is the probability of \(A \cap B\)?

c) What is the probability of \(A \cup B\)?

d) Interpret the event \(A \cup B\). What element(s) are in it?

e) What is the probability of \(A \cap D\)?

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Question 5

[Maximum mark: 10]

A bag has 15 balls, 9 black ones, and 6 white ones. We select 1 ball from the bag, put it aside, and then randomly select another one.

a) Draw a tree diagram representing this process.

b) Calculate the probability of:

i. Both balls being black.

ii. One being black and the other one being white.

iii. At least one of the balls being white.

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Question 6

[Maximum mark: 8]

John bought a new loaded six-sided dice. The shop gave him information on it, but he doesn't remember everything. Here is what he knows:

Result on the dice 1 2 3 4 5 6
Probability \(\frac{1}{8}\) \(\frac{1}{4}\) \(\frac{1}{8}\) \(\frac{1}{5}\) ... \(\frac{1}{10}\)

a) What is the probability of rolling a 5?

To win at this game, John needs to get an even number, but it can’t be a six.

b) What is the probability of getting an even number?

c) Given he has rolled an even number, what is the probability that it’s a six?

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Question 7

[Maximum mark: 10]

There's a conference being held for Star Wars fans. A couple of curious students looked at the way each participant is signing their names and managed to get some interesting statistics about this group and presented it in the form of a tree diagram.

a) Find the value of \( a \).

b) Find the expression for the probability of a person being left handed and not having blonde hair, in terms of \( c \).

We know that 51% of people on this conference have dark hair.

c) Find the value of:

i. \( b \)

ii. \( c \)

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Question 8

[Maximum mark: 10]

A group of 200 students recently took their Mathematics and Physics exam at the end of their university education. The outcomes of the test are presented below:

Passed Failed
Mathematics 61 38
Physics 90 21

a) Find the probability that a randomly selected student passed their exam.

A student is selected at random and it is found that he passed the exam.

b) Find the probability that he was sitting Mathematics.

Some more students are selected at random from the original group.

c) Find the probability that all selected applicants were sitting Physics if:

i. Two students were selected at random.

ii. Four students were selected at random.

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Question 9

[Maximum mark: 14]

30 students waiting for the school bus were asked what their favourite subject(s) are from Maths (M), Physics (P), and Chemistry (C).

- 3 people liked all subjects

- 3 people liked maths and chemistry

- 7 people liked maths and physics

- 10 people liked maths only

- 8 people liked physics and chemistry

- 1 person liked chemistry only

a) Draw a Venn diagram with the above provided data.

b) How many people liked chemistry but not physics?

c) 16 people in total liked physics.

i. How many people liked physics ONLY?

ii. How many people didn't like any of the options?

d) The students now get on the bus, and we choose one of them at random. What is the probability that this person:

i. Likes maths.

ii. Likes maths and chemistry but not physics.

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Question 10

[Maximum mark: 13]

Consider 3 evenets: \( A \), \( B \), and \( C \).

The events \( A \) and \( B \) are independent and \( P(A) = 0.21 \) and \( P(B) = 0.43 \). Events \( A \) and \( C \) are mutually exclusive and \( P(B \cap C) = 0.12 \).

Additionally, \( P(A \cup B \cup C) = 0.9 \).

a) Find \( P(A \cap B) \).

b) Find \( P(C) \).

c) Find \( P( A | B) \).

d) Find \( P(A \cap B') \).

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Question 11

[Maximum mark: 6]

There are socks of multiple colors in the drawer. The probability of picking two black socks without replacement is \( \frac{1}{3} \). There are 10 socks in total to pick from.

How many black socks are there?

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Question 12

[Maximum mark: 8]

A factory produces new watches, 3% of which are defective (not working).

a) What is the probability that a watch is not defective?

b) Two new watches are ordered from this factory:

i. What is the probability that both work?

ii. Find the probability that at least 1 works.

A business orders 5 new watches. For this case, let the probability of a working watch coming out of manufacturing be \( z \).

c) What is the probability that at least 1 of the 5 watches works?

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Question 13

[Maximum mark: 7]

123 new applicants at a university were asked how they first heard about the course they enrolled in. The 2 options were either in person (P), or online (O). 45 said in person, and 70 said they saw it online, 20 people said another source.

a) What is the probability that a student heard about the course both in person and online?

b) What is the probability that a student heard about the course only in person?

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