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Question 1

[Maximum mark: 10]

Consider the following variables. Find which are discrete and which are continuous.

a) The amount of water in an aquarium.

b) The number of clients in a hotel.

c) The final score of a team in a football match.

d) The time it takes to drive to a park.

e) The mass of a book.

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Question 2

[Maximum mark: 6]

Consider the following tables. Are they probability distributions?


x P(x)
1 0.26
2 0.37
3 0.31
4 0.26


x P(x)
100 0.4
110 0.3
120 0.2
130 0.05
140 0.05

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Question 3

[Maximum mark: 6]

Consider the following normal distributions.

a) Normal distribution with \( \mu = 5,000 \) and \( \sigma = 250 \). What proportion of the data falls between \( 4,750 \) and \( 5,250 \)? Between \( 4,500 \) and \( 5,500 \)?

b) Normal distribution with \( \mu = 375 \) and variance \( = 225 \). What proportion of the data falls between \( 350 \) and \( 400 \)? Between \( 300 \) and \( 450 \)?

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Question 4

[Maximum mark: 8]

A family is planning their summer holiday. They want to go to the beach each time the weather permits. The probability distribution of clear and sunny days is as follows:

x 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
P(x) 0.04 0.07 0.20 0.22 0.19 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.02

What is the probability that the family will go to the beach:

a) At least 11 times?

b) Fewer than 8 times?

c) Between 8 and 10 times?

d) More than 14 times?

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Question 5

[Maximum mark: 7]

There is a regular, circular archery target, with 3 distinct sections. The inner most one is labelled A, then B, and the outermost is C. The probability of hitting each section is given as follows:

Region X Y Z
Probability \(\frac{1}{7}\) \(\frac{3}{7}\) \(\frac{2}{7}\)

a) What is the probability that we hit neither target?

Points are gained when a certain region is hit.

Region X Y Z Miss
Points 10 5 1 \( k \)

b) What is the value of \( k \), given that we have a fair game?

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Question 6

[Maximum mark: 12]

A farm produces eggs and has found that their weights follow a normal distribution with mean 48.8g and standard deviation 3.40g

An egg is considered small if its weight is in the lighter 25%, and it is considered big if it is heavier than 75% of them.

a) Sketch a diagram of this weight distribution.

b) What is the maximum weight of a small egg?

c) What is the minimum weight of a big egg?

We take 50 eggs at random from this farm. Determine the expected number of eggs that:

d) Weigh less than 46g.

e) Weigh between 45g and 55g.

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Question 7

[Maximum mark: 8]

A YouTuber looks at their viewership statistics. They see that viewers have a 60% chance of watching one of their videos to the end. Each full view brings them a revenue of fifty cents.

If 12 people click on one of their videos:

a) Calculate the expected revenue from that video.

b) Calculate the probability that the YouTuber will make exactly $3.5.

c) Calculate the probability that they will make more than $4.

d) How many people would have to click on the video to expect a revenue of $12?

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Question 8

[Maximum mark: 10]

The savings of people in a city are normally distributed with a mean of $4,000 and a standard deviation of $1,200.

a) If we take two people at random in this city, what is the probability that they both have savings between $2,800 and $5,200?

b) How much money do you need to have to be in the top 10% of wealth in this city? Round your answer to two decimal places.

c) 75% of people have less than \( d \) dollars. Find \( d \). Round your answer to two decimal places.

d) What proportion of people have less than $3,000?

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Question 9

[Maximum mark: 9]

Bob walks to school every day, and he likes to count the number of cars he encounters on the way there. The amount varies on a day-to-day basis according to a Poisson distribution with a mean of 50.

a) What is the probability that Bob encounters more than 60 cars on a day?

b) How many times in a week can Bob expect to encounter over 60 cars?

c) Find the probability that Bob encounters less than 300 cars in a week.

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Question 10

[Maximum mark: 9]

The dimater of watermelons in a particular shop are normally distributed with a mean 12cm with a standard deviation of 1.2cm

A watermelon is chosen at random.

a) Find the probability that:

i. the watermelon has a diameter less than 10cm.

ii. the watermelon has a diameter more than 15cm.

20% of watermelons are known to have a diameter bigger than \( d \).

b) Find the value of \( d \). Round your answer to the nearest integer.

Watermelons with a diameter smaller than 8.5cm are discarded by the shop due to the lack of demand for them.

c) Find the probability that a randomly selected watermelon is discarded due to the lack of demand.

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Question 11

[Maximum mark: 9]

In a small village, 10 people have installed alarm systems from the same company for their homes. This alarm system will work as expected 98% of the time and ring when something is detected.

A series of burglaries happen in the neighborhood. What is the probability that:

a) All 10 alarms will work properly?

b) At least 8 of the alarms will work properly?

A squirrel lives in this village. When he runs through a garden, he will trigger the alarm system of the house 30% of the time. Today, he runs in front of all ten houses with an alarm. What is the probability that:

c) The alarm rings when the squirrel runs in front of one house.

d) The squirrel will make at least 3 alarm systems ring.

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Question 12

[Maximum mark: 9]

Cars in a given car company have various prices with a mean of $25,000 and standard deviation of $3,500.

The car dealership wants to put them into categories based on their prices, where they will be classified as cheap, standard, and expensive. Expensive cars have the price range between $40,000 and $48,000.

a) Find the probability that a randomly selected car will be expensive.

For a randomly selected car of price \( x \), we have that \( P(20000 - q < x < 20000 + q) = 0.6 \).

b) Find the value of \( q \). Round your answer to two decimal places.

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Question 13

[Maximum mark: 8]

A car is driving around a race track, and the time it takes for it to complete a lap is normally distributed, with a mean of 45 seconds and a standard deviation of 3 seconds. The car drives 3 laps around the track, but after each lap, it starts over from the start line with a speed of 0, so all laps are under the same circumstances.

a) Find the mean time for the car to drive the 3 laps.

b) What will be the standard deviation of the 3 laps in total?

c) Another car on the track gets a time of 39 seconds. Find the probability that the next lap will beat their time.

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Question 14

[Maximum mark: 15]

The grades of a math class in high school on a certain test are normally distributed, with a mean of 6, and a standard deviation of 1.

a) Sketch the distribution, and draw in the lines corresponding to 1 and 2 standard deviations above the mean.

b) How many standard deviations is a grade of 5.5 away from the mean?

c) What is the probability that a student gets a grade of 7.5 or better?

d) Answer the following:

i) Find the probability a randomly chosen student scores between a 6 and 8.

ii) Out of a 30 student class, how many people do we expect to score between a 6 and an 8?

e) 75% of students scored less than a grade of \( X \). Find \( X \).

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