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Complex Numbers

Question 1

[Maximum marks: 15]

We consider the following numbers in \(\mathbb{C}\):

\[a=5 e^{i \frac{\pi}{3}}\]

\[b=5\left(\cos \left(\frac{\pi}{3}\right)+i \sin \left(\frac{\pi}{3}\right)\right)\]


\[d=4 \cos \left(\frac{3 \pi}{2}\right)+i \sin \left(\frac{\pi}{3}\right)\]

\[e=2i e^{3}\]

\[f=12 \times \operatorname{cis}\left(\frac{\pi}{6}\right)\]

a) Identify the form in which each of these numbers is expressed.

b) For each number, give its Real part.

c) For each number, give its Imaginary part.

d) Provide the argument of each number.

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Question 2

[Maximum marks: 10]

Determine the argument form of each of the following complex numbers:

a) \(3+\sqrt{3} i\)

b) \(25i - 25\)

c) \(\sqrt{3} + i\)

d) \(5\)

e) \(5i\)

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Question 3

[Maximum marks: 12]

We consider the complex number \( z=1+2i \).

a) Plot the vectors representing \(z\) and \(iz\) on the complex plane.

b) What appears to be the angle between these two vectors?

c) Find \( \arg(z) \) and \( \arg(iz) \) in degrees. Give the values to four significant figures.

d) Comment on the result you expected in question 2.

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Question 4

[Maximum marks: 8]

Find the solutions to each of the following equations:

a) \( x^{2}-4x+8=0 \)

b) \( 2x^{2}+5x+4=0 \)

c) \( 9x^{3}+2x^{2}+x=0 \)

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Question 5

[Maximum marks: 6]

Determine the polar form of each of the following complex numbers:

a) \(3+\sqrt{3} i\)

b) \(25i - 25\)

c) \( \sqrt{3} + i \)

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Question 6

[Maximum marks: 12]

Let \(z_{1}=3+4i\) and \(z_{2}=1-3i\).

a) Calculate \(z_{1} \times z_{2}\).

b) Calculate \(\frac{z_{1}}{z_{2}}\).

c) Calculate \(z_{2}^{2}\).

d) Convert \(z_{1}\) and \(z_{2}\) to exponential form.

e) Calculate \(z_{1} \times z_{2}\) and \(\frac{z_{1}}{z_{2}}\) again with the exponential form.

f) Give the value of \(z_{2}^{2}\) in exponential form.

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Question 7

[Maximum marks: 15]

We give the following diagram, where \(A_{1}\) and \(A_{2}\) correspond to the complex numbers \(z_{1}\) and \(z_{2}\).

a) Give the Euler form of \(z_{1}\).

b) Give the Euler form of \(z_{2}\).

Point B below is associated with point \(z_{3}=z_{1} \times z_{2}\).

c) Give the value of \( \gamma \) and \( \left|z_{3}\right| \).

d) Express \(z_{3}\) in Cartesian form.

e) Show that \( \mathfrak{R}\left(z_{1}\right)+2 \times \mathfrak{R}\left(z_{2}\right)=\mathfrak{R}\left(z_{3}\right) + 1\).

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Question 8

[Maximum marks: 12]

For each of the following questions, give \(z_{3}\) in Cartesian form, then represent all three complex numbers on a diagram.

a) \(z_{1}=-5i\), \(z_{2}=4+2i\), \(z_{3}=z_{1}-z_{2}\)

b) \(z_{1}\) and \(z_{2}\) as in Question 1, \(z_{3}=z_{2}-z_{1}\)

c) \(z_{1}=2+4i\), \(z_{2}=1-i\), \(z_{3}=z_{1}+z_{2}\)

d) \(z_{1}\) and \(z_{2}\) as in Question 3, \(z_{3}=\overline{z_{1}}+z_{2}\)

e) \(z_{1}\) and \(z_{2}\) as in Question 3, \(z_{3}=\overline{z_{1}+z_{2}}\)

f) \(z_{1}\) as in Question 3, \(z_{3}=z_{1} \overline{z_{1}}\)

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Question 9

[Maximum marks: 16]

We consider the following diagram, where A and B represent complex numbers \(z_{1}\) and \(z_{2}\).

a) Give the values of \( \left|z_{1}\right| \) and \( \left|z_{2}\right| \) accurate to three significant figures.

b) Calculate the values of \( \alpha \) and \( \beta \).

c) Find the area of triangle AOB.

d) Reproduce the diagram above, and add the point called C, that represents \( z_{2}+\overline{z_{1}} \).

e) Find the value of \( \arg \left(z_{2}+\overline{z_{1}}\right) \).

f) Express \( z_{2}+\overline{z_{1}} \) in polar form.

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Question 10

[Maximum marks: 9]

We consider an electronic circuit, in which there are two AC voltage sources 1 and 2. We give \( V_{1}=20 \cos (12 t) \) and \( V_{2}=10 \cos (12 t+15) \).

Give all results to two significant figures.

a) Find an expression for the total voltage, in the form \( V=A \cos (12 t+B) \).

We remove the second voltage source and replace it with a source called 3, such that \( V_{3}=5 \sin (12 t) \). We recall that \( \sin (a)=-\cos \left(a+\frac{\pi}{2}\right) \).

b) Find the new expression for the total voltage, \( V^{\prime}=A^{\prime} \cos \left(12 t+B^{\prime}\right) \).

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