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Question 1Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

The following numbers are the salaries of managers in a big accounting firm (in dollars).

\[115000, 120000, 100000, 97500, 86000, 145000, 111000\]

a) Calculate the mean.

b) Calculate the median.

Another manager joined the team with a salary of $150000.

c) Without calculating, do you expect the mean to increase or decrease because of the addition of the new manager?

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Question 2No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 13]

Examine the graph below showing the speed of cars passing a police car.

a) Find how many drivers were recorded with a speed between 40 and 60km/h?

b) Use the graph above to find:

i. Estimated median;

ii. Estimated upper quartile;

iii. Estimated lower quartile;

c) Hence, find the estimated IQR.

It is known, that \( p \) people were recorded to drive faster than 90km/h.

d) Find \( p \).

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Question 3Calculator

[Maximum mark: 14]

A high school is organising a running competition for its students. A group of 10 students participated and their total distance run is presented below:


a) Find the following:

i. Mean;

ii. Median;

Consider the following box-and-whisker plot representing the outlined above data:

b) Find the value of:

i. \( a \);

ii. \( b \);

It is known that the distances run above the value of \( p \) are outliers.

c) Find \( p \).

Another group of 10 students also took part in the race. It is known that the standard deviation \( \sigma \) of their distances is two times smaller than the standard deviation of the first group of students.

d) Find \( \sigma \).

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Question 4No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

The following graph shows the number of customers entering the shop and their money spent. Based on the information you can read from it answer the following questions.

a) How many customers were there?

The limit to pay by card is $10.

b) What percentage of customers can paid by card?

Highest spending 10% of customers can apply for a membership card.

c) What is the minimum money spent to be able to qualify for the membership card (approximate)?

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Question 5No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

For his Extended Essay, Mark conducted a survey where he asked people how many times per year on average they travel abroad. The results from the survey are presented below.

Number of travels abroad 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of people 7 11 18 x 3 1

It is known that the mean is equal to 2.

a) Find the value of \( x \).

b) State the modal value.

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Question 6Calculator

[Maximum mark: 11]

130 students took a mathematics exam. Their results are presented in the table below:

Score Frequency
\( 0 \leq x < 10 \) 2
\( 10 \leq x < 20 \) 4
\( 20 \leq x < 30 \) 8
\( 30 \leq x < 40 \) a
\( 40 \leq x < 50 \) 21
\( 50 \leq x < 60 \) 20
\( 60 \leq x < 70 \) 37
\( 70 \leq x < 80 \) 28
\( 80 \leq x < 90 \) 0
\( 90 \leq x < 100 \) 1

a) Find \( a \).

b) Hence, find the mean.

c) What is the maximum and minimum score which is not considered an outlier?

A diploma is given to all students who scored more than 70 points.

d) What percentage of students received the diploma?

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Question 7Calculator

[Maximum mark: 9]

The number of points scored by high school students on their exam is shown on the figure below:

a) Find the median score.

The same dataset was used to create the following frequency table:

Score \( 0 \leq x < 3 \) \( 3 \leq x < 6 \) \( 6 \leq x < 10 \) \( 10 \leq x < 15 \)
Frequency 7 \( a \) \( b \) 8

b) Use the graph above to find:

i. \( a \);

ii. \( b \);

c) Find the standard deviation of the points scored.

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Question 8Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

University students went on a field trip, and their ages were recorded to create the following table:

Age Number of students
18 9
19 11
20 13
21 10
22 x
23 7

It is known that the mean age of all participants is 21.

a) Find \( x \).

b) Calculate the average age of participants between the ages of 19 and 22.

c) Find the standard deviation.

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Question 9Calculator

[Maximum mark: 9]

The rainfall in a city over an entire leap year is presented in the table below:

Rainfall (mm) Frequency
\( 0 \leq x < 2 \) 141
\( 2 \leq x < 4 \) 93
\( 4 \leq x < 6 \) \( b \)
\( 6 \leq x < 8 \) 22
\( 8 \leq x < 10 \) \( a \)

It is known that the mean age of all participants is \( a = 10b \).

a) Find the values of

i. \( a \).

ii. \( b \).

b) Find the standard deviation.

The city has to implement additional measures regarding the flow of water if the sum of days of rainfall of at least 6mm is above 20. For each additional day they have to pay 10000$.

c) How much will the city have to pay this year?

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