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Properties of Functions

Question 1Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Consider a function \(f(x) = 0.5x + 2\)

a) Find the values of \( f(2) \) and \( f(4) \).

b) Draw the graph of \( f(x) \).

c) Find \( f^{-1}(2) \) and \( f^{-1}(3.5) \)

d) Draw the graph of \( f^{-1}(x) \) on the same diagram as before.

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Question 2Calculator

[Maximum mark: 16]

Consider a function \(f(x) = \frac{4}{\sqrt{4-x}} - 2\)

a) State the domain and range of \( f(x) \).

The graph of this function looks as follows:

b) State the equation of two asymptotes.

c) Find the equation for the inverse of \( f(x) \).

d) State the domain and range of \( f^{-1}(x) \).

e) Find graphically the interesction coordinates of \( f(x) \) and \( f^{-1}(x) \).

f) Sketch the graphs of \( f(x) \), \( y = x \), and \( f^{-1}(x) \) on the same diagram.

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Question 3Calculator

[Maximum mark: 12]

Give the domain and range of the following functions, algebraically and graphically.

a) \(f(x) = \sqrt{4x-8} - 2\)

b) \(f(x) = \frac{1}{3-x} + 2\)

c) \(f(x) = \frac{3}{(x^3-1)^2}\)

d) \(f(x) = \frac{3}{(x^2-1)^2}\)

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Question 4No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 7]

Consider the graph below representing the function \( y = f(x) \) for the interval \( -1 \leq x \leq 4 \).

a) Find \( f(1) \)

b) Find \( f(2) \)

c) Find \( f^{-1}(3) \)

d) Find \( (f∘f)(1) \)

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Question 5No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

Consider point \( A(3,12) \) and point \( B(-2,-3) \).

a) Find the gradient of the line \( [AB] \)

b) Hence, find the equation of this line.

Line \( L_2 \) is perpendicular to \( [AB] \)

c) Find the gradient of \( L_2 \).

Points \( C(9,1) \) and \( D(x,5) \) lie on \( L_2 \).

d) Find \( x \).

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Question 6No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 12]

Line \(L_{1}\) has for equation \(y = x + 1\) and line \(L_{2}\) has for equation \(y = -2x + 4\).

a) Write down the y-intercepts of \(L_{1}\) and \(L_{2}\).

b) Find the coordinates of their intersection \(M\).

c) Write down the equation of the line \(L_{3}\) that goes through \(M\) and is perpendicular to the y-axis.

d) What’s the y-intercept of \(L_{3}\)? The x-intercept?

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Question 7No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

Consider the following two functions:

\[f(x) = 25x + 10\]

\[g(x) = \frac{x+3}{5}\]

a) Find \( g^{-1}(x) \)

b) Find \( (f∘g)(x) \)

c) Find \( (f∘g^{-1})(x) \)

d) Find the value of \( q \) when \( (f∘g)^{-1}(q) = 185 \)

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Question 8Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

Let \( h(x) = 3x^3 + 2 \) and \( g(x) = 2e^{x+1} \)

a) Show that \( (h \circ g)(x) = 24e^{3x + 3} \)

Another function is drawn with an equation \( p(x) = x^3 - 3 \)

b) Find the coordinates of the point of interesection.

c) Find the minimum of \( p(x)\).

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