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Question 1No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Prove that the mean of 5 consecutive integers is always an integer.

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Question 2No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Show that \( (3n-2)^3 + (3n+2)^3 = 54n^3 + 72n \).

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Question 3No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Knowing that \( (x+3)^2 = x^2 + 6x + 9\).

a) Find \( (x+3)^3\)

b) Verify your result for:

i. \( x = 3\)

ii. \( x = -2\)

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Question 4No Calculator

Prove that the sum of two odd integers is an even integer.

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Question 5No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

(a) Prove the following expression:

\[ \frac{16x^2 - 4}{4x^2 + 6x + 2} = \frac{4x-2}{x+1}\]

(b) State for which values of \( x \) this expression is valid.

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Question 6No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Prove that the mean of 3 consecutive squared integers can never be an integer.

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Question 7No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Consider two consecutive even integers \( a \) and \( b \), such that \( b>a \). Show that the difference of their squares measured as \( b^2 - a^2 \) is equal to 4 times the integer between \( a \) and \( b \).

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Question 8No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Prove that the sum of cubes of two conesuctive odd integers is divisible by 2.

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