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Function Transformations

Question 1No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Consider the function \( f(x) \) presented on the graph below:

a) Find \( f(2) \).

b) Find \( f^{-1}(8) \).

c) On the same grid sketch the graph of \( f(-x) \).

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Question 2No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Let \( g(x) = x^2 \) and \( h(x) = 3(x+2)^2 \).

a) Provide gemoetric descriptions of the transformations to arrive at \( h(x) \) from \( g(x) \).

Point \( P \) has coordinates (2,4) and is on the graph of \( g(x) \). It is mapped to the point \( Q \) on the graph of \( h(x) \).

b) Find the coordinates of P.

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Question 3No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

Let \( f(x) \) and \( g(x) \) be such that the graph of \( g(x) \) is obained by transforming \( f(x) \) in the following manner:

- a horizontal translation of \( a \) units.

- a vertical translation of \( b \) units.

- a vertical stretch of \( c \) units.

It is given that \( g(x) = \frac{1}{2}(f(x-2)) + 3 \).

a) Find the value of the following coefficients:

i. \( a \)

ii. \( b \)

iii. \( c \)

Let \( h(x) = 4g(x) - 2 \).

b) Point \( A(1, \frac{7}{2}) \) is on \( g(x) \) and is mapped to point \( B \) on \( h(x) \). Find the coordinates of \( B \).

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Question 4No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 9]

Consider the function \( f(x) \) given by the equation \( f(x) = 5a^3 + 25 \).

Function \( g(x) \) is obtained by:

- a vertical stretch of \( f(x) \) of \( \frac{1}{2} \)

- a translation of \( f(x) \) by a vector (-2 3)

Function \( g(x) \) is given by the equation \( g(x) = p(x+q)^3 + r \).

a) Find the values of:

i. \( p \)

ii. \( q \)

iii. \( r \)

b) Find \( g'(x) \).

c) Find the interval in which \( g(x) \) is increasing.

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Question 5No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Let \( f(x) = x^2 + 2x - 8 \).

a) Find \( f(1) \).

The equation for \( f(x) \) can be written in the form \( f(x) = (x+a)(x-b) \), where \( a,b > 0\).

b) Find the values for \( a \) and \( b\).

The particle moves along a straight line, such that its velocity is given \( f(x) \), where \( x \) is time in seconds.

c) Find the distance traveled by the particle from \( x=3 \) to \( x=6 \).

The graph of \( g(x) \) is made by a reflection of \( f(x) \) in the y-axis and translation by 2 units in the negative x-direction.

d) Show that \( g(x) \) is given by the same function as \( f(x) \).

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Question 6No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 9]

Let \( f(x) = 2\sin(x) + a \) and \( g(x) = 2\sin(x + \pi) + b \), where \( a>b \).

a) Describe two gemoetric transformations that happened to get from \( f(x) \) to \( g(x) \).

Point \( A(0,4) \) is on \( f(x) \) and point \( B(\pi, 2) \) is on \( g(x) \).

b) Find the values of:

i. \( a \)

ii. \( b \)

c) Hence, find the range of \( g(x) \).

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Question 7No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 11]

Consider the function \( f(x) = 3x^2 + ax - 18 \). The axis of symmetry of this function is at \( \frac{1}{2} \)

a) Find \( a \).

b) Hence, find the vertex.

c) Find the exact roots of this function.

Point \( M(1,-18) \) is on \( f(x) \) and is mapped to the point \( N \) on \( g(x) \), where \( g(x) \) is obtained from a reflection of \( f(x) \) in the x-axis.

d) Find the coordinates of \( N \).

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Question 8No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Consider the function \( f(x) = 2 - \frac{2}{x+1}, \ x \neq -1 \).

a) Write down the equation of:

i. the vertical asymptote

ii. the horizontal asymptote

b) Find the coordinate of the points where this function intersects:

i. the x-axis

ii. the y-axis

The function \( g(x) \) is obtained from a reflection of \( f(x) \) in the y-axis and a horizontal stretch of 3.

c) Find the equation of \( g(x) \).

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