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Question 1No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Consider a function \(f(x) = 3x^3 + x^2 - 2\).

a) Find \( f'(x) \).

b) Find the x-coordinates of the points when \( f'(x) = 0 \).

c) Find the gradient of this function for \( x = 3 \).

d) Find the equation of the normal to \( f \) at the point (1, 2).

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Question 2No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 7]

Cosnider the curve \(y = \frac{1}{2}x^2 + 11x - 3\).

a) Find \( \frac{dy}{dx} \).

b) The gradient of the tangent to this curve at point \( P \) is 10.

i. Find the coordinates of \( P \);

ii. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at point \( P \), giving your answer in the form \( y = ax + b \);

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Question 3No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 7]

Consider the function \( f(x) = 2x^5 + \frac{40}{3}x^3 \).

a) Find the gradient of this function at \( x=1 \).

b) Find the x-coordinates of the points at which the normal to this function has a gradient of \( -\frac{1}{120} \).

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Question 4Calculator

[Maximum mark: 11]

The cost incurred by a car factory is given by the function \(c(x) = 4x^3 - 3x^2 + 20x + 5000\), where \(x\) is the number of cars produced.

a) What are the fixed costs (when no cars are produced)?

b) Find \( c'(x) \).

c) Find the marginal cost of cars when 1000 cars are produced.

d) Show that \( c(x) \) is increasing for all values of \( x \).

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Question 5No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Consider a function \( y = px^2 + 6x + 5\).

It is known that the gradient of the tangent to this curve at point \( (3, q) \) is 12.

a) Find the values of:

i. \( p \);

ii. \( q \);

b) Find the minimum of the function \( y \). Comment on how do you know that it is the minimum.

c) Find the roots of the function \( y \).

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Question 6Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

The value of a house can decrease significantly over the years. It's current value is given by the function \(h(t) = \frac{1000000}{t}, t \geq 1\); with t being the number of years and value of the house is given in dollars ($).

a) Find \(\frac{dh}{dt}\).

b) Find the time at which house value is decreasing by 10000$ per year.

c) At what first full year does the house value increase at a rate less than 5000$ per year and what is the house value then?

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Question 7Calculator

[Maximum mark: 14]

Multiple cylinder blocks are used in the construction of a recently launched airplane. Each cylinder has a volume of \( 3.5 \, \text{cm}^3 \), and is specified by height \( h \) (cm), and radius \( r \) (cm), as can be seen on the picture below.

a) Find \( h \) in terms of \( \pi \) and \( r \).

Each cylinder will be painted with white on the circular bottom and top, and black on its side. The cost for white paint is \( \$0.1 \) per \( \text{cm}^2 \), and the cost for black paint is \( \$0.08 \) per \( \text{cm}^2 \).

b) Show that the formula for total cost is \( C = \frac{0.56}{r} + 0.2 \pi r^2 \).

c) Find \( C' \).

It is known that the radius is four times smaller than the height.

d) Find \( r \).

e) Calculate the total cost required to paint the cylinder (round to 2 decimal points).

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Question 8Calculator

[Maximum mark: 15]

Consider a function \(f(x) = \frac{p}{x^4} + x \), where \( p \) is a constant and \( x \neq 0 \).

We know that there is a local maximum at \( x = -1 \).

a) Find \( p \).

b) Find the y-coordinate of the local maximum.

c) Find \( f'(x) = 0 \).

d) Sketch the graph for \( f'(x) \) for the interval \( -5 \leq x \leq 5 \) and \( -5 \leq y \leq 5 \), clearly identifying the root.

e) Hence, find the interval for which \( f \) is increasing.

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Question 9No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 12]

Consider the function \( f(x) = -4cos^2(x) - 2sin^2(x) + 2\), for \( 0 \leq x \leq \pi \).

a) Find the root(s) of the equation \( f(x) = 0 \).

b) The derivative of \( f(x) \) can be written in the form \( a \times sin(bx)\). Find \( a \) and \( b \).

c) Hence, find the coordinates of the points of \( f(x) \) when \( f'(x) = 0 \).

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Question 10Calculator

[Maximum mark: 14]

Consider the function \( g(x) = \sqrt{3x + 4} \)

a) Find \( g^{-1}(x) \).

b) The graphs of \( f(x) \) and \( f^{-1}(x) \) have two points of intersection. Find the coordinates of those two points.

c) Find \( g'(x) \).

d) Find the value of \( x \) for which \( g(x) \) and \( g^{-1}(x) \) have the same gradient.

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