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Bivariate Statistics

Question 1Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

The table below shows data regarding months of experience and weekly salaries of company's employees.

Round all your answers to three decimal points.

Experience (months) 10 12 18 15 21 24 35
Weekly salary ($) 600 650 600 800 950 1200 1500

a) Calculate Pearson's correlation coefficient.

b) The regression equation is in the form \( y = mx + a \). Find the values of \( m \) and \( a \).

c) Predict the weekly salary for an employee with 25 months of experience.

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Question 2Calculator

[Maximum mark: 11]

Consider two variables describing the height of an athelete and their long jump results.

Round all your answers to two decimal points.

Height in cm (x) 171 165 178 180 181 174 185
Jump length in cm (y) 650 520 590 560 740 630 690

a) Find:

i. \( \overline{x} \)

ii. \( \overline{y} \)

b) The regression line is in the form \( y = mx + a \). Find the values of \( m \) and \( a \).

c) Hence, find:

i. the x-intercept.

ii. the y-intercept.

d) Interpret the value of \( m \) in this context.

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Question 3Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

In the table below you can find the distance covered by Jack in his car (in km) and the temperature outside (in degrees Celsius).

Round all your answers to two decimal points.

Distance (km) 220 200 140 145 100 90 100
Temperature (C) 15 19 22 16 21 25 28

a) Calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficient

b) Calculate the mean values of \( x \) and \( y \).

c) On the 15th day of the trip, the temperature outside was 21 degrees. Apart from traveling by car, Jack decided to cover additional 15km on foot. Estimate the total distance covered by Jack using the regression equation.

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Question 4Calculator

[Maximum mark: 14]

Consider the data below which describe the number of weeks students prepared for an SAT exam and their respective scores obtained.

Round all your answers to two decimal points.

Studying time (weeks) 22 24 23 23 35 37 42
Score 1400 1430 1450 1350 1500 1520 1540

a) Calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficient.

b) Calculate the regression equation and give your answer in the form \( y = a + bx.\)

c) Interpret the value of \( a \).

d) What score should be expected by a student who studied for 40 weeks?

e) Would it be reasonable to make predictions for a student who studied for 3 weeks?

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Question 5Calculator

[Maximum mark: 10]

Scientists are investigating the population of two types of bacteria, Bacteria A and Bacteria B.

It is known the mass of Bacteria A can be modelled by a linear function, \( L1 \), which passes through the points \( P(0, 2) \) and \( Q(3, 8) \). The independent variable is time in hours since the start of the experiment \( (x) \), and the dependent variable is the mass of bacteria measured in kilograms \( (y) \).

a) Find the gradient of \( L1 \).

b) Find the regression equation in the form \( y = ax + b \).

Let \( h \) denote the number of hours since the start of the experiment for Bacteria B, and \( m \) denote its mass in kilograms. Scientists discovered that the equation for the mass of Bacteria B can be modeled by the function: \( m = 200e^{2h} \).

c) Find the mass of Bacteria B at the start of the experiment.

d) Find after how many hours both populations will be equal.

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Question 6Calculator

[Maximum mark: 12]

At a local sports fest a 100m run took place. The age of each participant and their respective time is shown in the table below.

Round all your answers to two decimal points.

Age (years) 18 21 19 25 33 41 28 38
Time (seconds) 11.3 12.1 12.0 14.5 15.7 16.1 14.3 15.6

a) Calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficient.

b) Calculate the regression equation of \( y \) on \( x \), giving your answer in the form \( y = a + bx.\)

c) Calculate the regression equation of \( x \) on \( y \), giving your answer in the form \( x = a + by.\)

The latest participant of the race finished it in the time of 13.7 seconds.

d) What age should we expect the participant to have?

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Question 7Calculator

[Maximum mark: 12]

The dataset below shows the exam score of both boys and girls in a Math test, as well as their respective study times.

Round your answers to two decimal points.

Studying time (boys) 2 1 3 5 8 6 10
Score (boys) 60 66 72 80 85 71 92
Studying time (girls) 3 3 4 2 5 7 6
Score (girls) 65 55 70 60 76 81 81

a) Assume the regression equation for girls is in the form \( y = ax + b \) and for the boys in the form \( y = cx + d \). Find the values of \( a, b, c, d \).

b) By analyzing both regression equations, who do you think benefits more from an additional hour of studying?

c) Find the intersection point of these two regression equations.

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Question 8Calculator

[Maximum mark: 15]

A company Wooden Freaks is designing and producing their chairs in their warehouse. Their business model strongly depends on the price and availability of wood, which they purchase from local producers. On the other hand, production of wood is affected by the rainfall in a given month in each region. The regression equation showing the relationship between wood production and rainfall is as follows:

\[ W = 0.3r + 2000 \]

Where \( W \) is the production of wood in kilograms (kg), and \( r \) is the monthly rainfall in milimeters (mm).

For Wooden Freaks, the regression equation for their production of chairs is given as:

\[ C = 3.5w - 100 \]

Where \( C \) is the number of chairs produced, and \( w \) is the amount of wood used in kg.

Round all your answers to two decimal points.

a) Find:

i. The production of wood when the rainfall is at 200mm.

ii. The production of chairs when 50kg of wood is supplied.

In May, the weather forecast predicts that the rainfall will be at 500mm.

b) How many chairs should Wooden Freaks expect to produce?

The manager at Wooden Freaks wants to estimate the profits they will have in May. It is known that one chair is sold for 25$, and the cost of each kilogram of wood is 5$. This calculation is needed, as they want to purchase a new machine costing 200,000$.

c) Will the profit made in May allow them to purchase this machine?

d) Create a formula for Wooden Freaks' profits, as a function of \( w \).

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