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Binomial Theorem

Question 1No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

Consider the expansion of \( (2x + 5)^7 \).

a) Write down the number of terms in this expansion.

b) Find the coefficient of the term in \( x^2 \).

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Question 2Calculator

[Maximum mark: 6]

The third term, in descending powers of \( x \), in the expansion of \( (x + a)^7 \) is \( 280x^4 \). Find the value of \( a \).

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Question 3Calculator

[Maximum mark: 5]

Expand in the descending powers \( (2x + 3)^4 \).

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Question 4No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 7]

Consider the expansion \( \frac{(x+p)^6}{qx^2}, \ p>0 \).

Knowing that the coefficient of the term \( x^3 \) is 1 and the coefficient of the term \( x^2 \) is 5, find the values of \( p \) and \( q \).

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Question 5Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

Consider the expansion \( (x^4 + \frac{4}{x})^9\)

a) Find the number of terms in this expansion.

b) Find the coefficient of \( x^8 \).

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Question 6No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 7]

Consider the expansion \( (x + t)^6 \).

Given that the expansion is \( x^6 + 6x^5 + ax^4 + bx^3 + ... + \ t^6 \), where \( a,b,t \in \mathbb{Z} \), and \( a + b = 5t \), find the possible values of \( t \).

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Question 7Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

In the expansion \( ax^3(4 + ax)^5, a < 0 \), the coefficient of \( x^6 \) is 3840. Find the value of \( a \).

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Question 8No Calculator

[Maximum mark: 8]

Consider the expansion \( (px^2 + q)^6 \) and \( (px^2 + q)^8 \).

Given that the coefficient of the term in \( x^4 \) in the expansion of \( (px^2 + q)^6 \) is 30, and that the coefficient of the term in \( x^4 \) in the expansion of \( (px^2 + q)^8 \) is 112, find the values \( p \) and \( q \), where \( p, q > 0 \).

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