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Question 1

Which property of water is responsible for its ability to form hydrogen bonds and explain its cohesive, adhesive, thermal, and solvent properties?

  • A) Non-polarity
  • B) Dipolarity
  • C) Hydrophobicity
  • D) Hydrophilicity

Answers and Explanations

Question 2

In the image given below, what type of bond is represented between water molecules?

  • A) Ionic bond
  • B) Covalent bond
  • C) Hydrogen bond
  • D) Van der Waals bond

Answers and Explanations

Question 3

Which property of water explains its use as a coolant in sweat, helping regulate body temperature?

  • A) Hydrophobicity
  • B) High heat capacity
  • C) Low heat of vaporization
  • D) Non-polarity

Answers and Explanations

Question 4

Based on the provided graph below, which substance requires more heat input to change it’s temperature significantly?

  • A) Water
  • B) Methane
  • C) Both show similar changes
  • D) Cannot be determined from the graph

Answers and Explanations

Question 5

In the context of blood transport, which property of water is essential in relation to the solubility of various substances?

  • A) Hydrophobicity
  • B) Low heat capacity
  • C) Non-polarity
  • D) Hydrophilicity

Answers and Explanations