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Question 1

The image below shows a Senita cactus in a desert environment, which adaptation would be most effective for the survival of this plant?

  • A) Increasing the number of stomata on leaves.
  • B) Developing broad, thin leaves.
  • C) Reducing the number of root hairs.
  • D) Having a thick, waxy cuticle on leaves.

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Question 2

Which factor plays a significant role in phloem transport, allowing the contents to flow from sources to sinks?

  • A) Cohesion of organic compounds.
  • B) Active transport of water.
  • C) High hydrostatic pressure in the source.
  • D) Osmotic pressure in the sink.

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Question 3

In which part of the plant would you typically find stomatal apertures, and what is their function?

Answer Structure Function
A Xylem vessels Organic compound storage
B Roots Transport of sugar
C Leaves Gas exchange
D Phloem sieve tubes Photosynthesis
  • A) A
  • B) B
  • C) C
  • D) D

Answers and Explanations

Question 4

Which property of water in the structure shown below allows for water transport under tension?

  • A) Cohesion of water
  • B) Evaporation
  • C) Transpiration rates
  • D) Active uptake of mineral ions

Answers and Explanations

Question 5

Image below shows the structure of a stem. Identify the structure A and B.

Answer Structure A Structure B
A Stomata Guard cells
B Phloem Xylem
C Xylem Phloem
D Leaf Roots
  • A) A
  • B) B
  • C) C
  • D) D

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