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Transfers of Energy and Matter

Question 1

Why do energy losses between trophic levels restrict the length of food chains in ecosystems?

  • A) Energy losses occur due to photosynthesis.
  • B) Energy losses are a result of heat conversion.
  • C) Energy losses limit the availability of nutrients.
  • D) Energy losses reduce the amount of available biomass.

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Question 2

Based on the trophic pyramid shown in the image, which trophic level is likely to have the lowest biomass?

  • A) Primary producers (Trophic Level 1)
  • B) Primary Consumers (Trophic Level 2)
  • C) Secondary Consumers (Trophic Level 3)
  • D) Quaternary Consumers (Trophic Level 4)

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Question 3

What are the products of anaerobic cell respiration in animal cells and yeast cells, respectively?

Trophic Level Energy Input Energy Output
Producers 10,000 8,000
Herbivores 5,000 4,000
Carnivores 2,000 1,500

What is the energy transfer efficiency from herbivores to carnivores in this ecosystem?

  • A) 10%
  • B) 20%
  • C) 30%
  • D) 40%

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Question 4

In a desert ecosystem, a significant portion of the energy is lost as heat and water through evaporation. What effect does this have on the length of the food chain in the desert ecosystem?

  • A) It increases the length of the food chain.
  • B) It has no impact on the length of the food chain.
  • C) It decreases the length of the food chain.
  • D) It decreases the number of producers.

Answers and Explanations

Question 5

In the image below, you see a variety of organisms connected in a food web. The image depicts producers, herbivores, carnivores, and decomposers. Identify the primary producers in the food web.

  • A) Organism A and Organism D
  • B) Organism C and Organism E
  • C) Organism B and Organism F
  • D) Organism A, Organism C, and Organism F

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