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Question 1

Which of the following correctly describes the formation of a peptide bond between two amino acids?

  • A) A hydrolysis reaction releasing water
  • B) A condensation reaction releasing water
  • C) A hydrolysis reaction consuming water
  • D) A condensation reaction consuming water

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Question 2

What is the primary function of insulin in the human body?

  • A) Muscle contraction
  • B) Blood clotting
  • C) Regulation of blood glucose levels
  • D) Oxygen transport

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Question 3

Examine the provided molecular diagram, which illustrates a specific protein. Identify the structural classification of this protein.

  • A) Secondary structure
  • B) Tertiary structure
  • C) Quaternary structure
  • D) Primary structure

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Question 4

Examine the graph below, which shows the denaturation of a protein concerning temperature. At which of the following temperatures is denaturation most likely to occur?

  • A) 0°C
  • B) 25°C
  • C) 60°C
  • D) 100°C

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Question 5

What is the significance of the unique proteome in every individual?

  • A) It determines the number of genes in an individual.
  • B) It leads to genetic disorders.
  • C) It allows for cell differentiation and specialization.
  • D) It ensures a common set of proteins in all individuals.

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