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Population and Communities

Question 1

Which type of species obtains inorganic nutrients from the abiotic environment?

  • A) Autotrophs
  • B) Consumers
  • C) Detritivores
  • D) Saprotrophs

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Question 2

In a sealed mesocosm experiment, a biologist is trying to establish sustainability. After a few weeks, the ecosystem inside the mesocosm is thriving, with autotrophs producing organic matter, consumers feeding on them, and detritivores breaking down dead organisms. Which trophic level would you expect to see next in this ecosystem?

  • A) Secondary consumers
  • B) Tertiary consumers
  • C) Saprotrophs
  • D) Producers

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Question 3

In a marine ecosystem, there is a significant decrease in the population of phytoplankton. As a result, the population of zooplankton, which feeds on phytoplankton, starts to decline. What is the likely consequence of this change?

  • A) Increased population of fish, which feed on zooplankton
  • B) Decreased population of fish, which compete with zooplankton for food
  • C) Increased population of detritivores, which rely on dead zooplankton
  • D) Decreased population of autotrophs, which rely on nutrients from detritus

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Question 4

Figure 1 shows the initial and final population of 4 species, which species had the highest percentage increase in population size?

  • A) Species A (Autotroph)
  • B) Species B (Consumer)
  • C) Species C (Detritivore)
  • D) Species D (Saprotroph)

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Question 5

The image shows Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) which is a carnivorous plant that captures and consumes insects. What is this plant's mode of nutrition?

  • A) Producer and saprotroph
  • B) Autotroph and detritivore
  • C) Autotroph and heterotroph
  • D) Consumer and saprotroph

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