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Question 1

What is the primary function of photosynthesis?

  • A) Production of oxygen
  • B) Absorption of light energy
  • C) Production of carbon compounds using light energy
  • D) Photolysis of water

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Question 2

During photosynthesis, oxygen is produced from:

  • A) Carbon dioxide
  • B) Water
  • C) Glucose
  • D) Sunlight

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Question 3

A farmer wants to increase the yield of his crops by using artificial lights. Which color of light from the following visible light spectrum should he use to maximize the rate of photosynthesis in his plants?

  • A) Red
  • B) Blue
  • C) Green
  • D) White

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Question 4

Consider the following image of the cross section of a leaf.

Which part of the leaf is responsible for controlling the carbon dioxide concentration inside the plant?

  • A) Cuticle
  • B) Palisade mesophyll
  • C) Spongy mesophyll
  • D) Stoma

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Question 5

Which factor increases the rate of photosynthesis when its intensity increases up to a certain point?

  • A) Temperature
  • B) Light intensity
  • C) Carbon dioxide concentration
  • D) All of the above

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