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Organelles and Compartmentalization

Question 1

In a eukaryotic cell, which organelle is responsible for detoxifying harmful substances and is abundant in liver cells?

  • A) Peroxisome
  • B) Vacuole
  • C) Microtubule
  • D) Cytoskeleton

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Question 2

Which organelle is responsible for the synthesis of lipids, detoxification of drugs, and storage of calcium ions in muscle cells?

  • A) Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • B) Lysosome
  • C) Nucleolus
  • D) Microfilament

Answers and Explanations

Question 3

Which organelle, labelled “X” in the diagram, is responsible for the breakdown of cellular waste and cellular digestion?

  • A) Mitochondria
  • B) Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • C) Lysosome
  • D) Golgi Apparatus

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Question 4

What is happening in the process shown in the image below?

  • A) Protein synthesis
  • B) Cellular respiration
  • C) Self-digestion of cellular components
  • D) Active transport

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Question 5

Which organelle is responsible for synthesizing ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and assembling ribosomes?

  • A) Nucleolus
  • B) Chloroplast
  • C) Centriole
  • D) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

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