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Neural Signaling

Question 1

Which process is responsible for generating the resting potential in neurons?

  • A) Action potential
  • B) Saltatory conduction
  • C) Active transport of sodium and potassium ions
  • D) Release of neurotransmitters

Answers and Explanations

Question 2

Which specialized structure in a neuron is responsible for the secretion and reabsorption of acetylcholine at synapses?

  • A) Axon hillock
  • B) Dendritic spine
  • C) Synaptic vesicles
  • D) Nodes of Ranvier

Answers and Explanations

Question 3

A researcher investigating the effects of neonicotinoid pesticides on synaptic transmission in insects. Your findings show that these pesticides interfere with cholinergic synapses by binding to specific receptors. What is the main mechanism by which neonicotinoid pesticides disrupt synaptic transmission?

  • A) Binding to acetylcholine receptors
  • B) Blocking voltage-gated sodium channels
  • C) Inhibition of neurotransmitter production
  • D) Enhancing neurotransmitter release

Answers and Explanations

Question 4

In the image below, what is the role of structure 'B'?

  • A) Neurotransmitter production
  • B) Receiving electrical signals
  • C) Insulating the axon
  • D) Transmitting electrical signals

Answers and Explanations

Question 5

What phase of the action potential is represented by the curve labeled 'C' on the graph?

  • A) Resting potential
  • B) Depolarization
  • C) Repolarization
  • D) Hyperpolarization

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