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Membranes and Membrane Transport

Question 1

Which model of cell membrane structure was falsified by evidence from electron microscopy?

  • A) Fluid Mosaic Model
  • B) Davson-Danielli Model
  • C) Singer-Nicolson Model
  • D) Phospholipid Bilayer Model

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Question 2

Which component of the cell membrane is responsible for reducing membrane fluidity at high temperatures?

  • A) A
  • B) B
  • C) C
  • D) D

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Question 3

What process allows materials to be taken into cells by endocytosis or released by exocytosis?

  • A) Simple Diffusion
  • B) Facilitated Diffusion
  • C) Osmosis
  • D) Vesicular Transport

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Question 4

To prevent osmosis-related damage in medical procedures, tissues or organs must be bathed in a solution with the same osmolarity as the cytoplasm. In the image shown below, what is the nature of solution surrounding the cell?

  • A) The solution surrounding the cell has more solute particles.
  • B) The solution surrounding the cell has the same solute concentration.
  • C) The solution surrounding the cell has less solute particles.
  • D) The image does not provide enough information.

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Question 5

Which membrane transport process involves the movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration without the use of energy?

  • A) Active Transport
  • B) Endocytosis
  • C) Facilitated Diffusion
  • D) Exocytosis

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