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Evolution and Speciation

Question 1

In this image, a butterfly exhibits two distinct wing colour patterns, with one set of wings being brightly coloured and the other being drab and camouflaged. What evolutionary phenomenon does this image most likely represent?

  • A) Allopatric speciation
  • B) Mimicry
  • C) Sympatric speciation
  • D) Convergent evolution

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Question 2

In the image, you see two different-coloured flowers of the same species growing in close proximity. What type of speciation does this image illustrate?

  • A) Sympatric speciation
  • B) Allopatric speciation
  • C) Parapatric speciation
  • D) Peripatric speciation

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Question 3

Which of the following mechanisms can lead to speciation?

  • A) Genetic drift
  • B) Natural selection
  • C) Gene flow
  • D) All of the above

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Question 4

Which term describes the evolution of similar features in unrelated species due to similar environmental pressures?

  • A) Convergent evolution
  • B) Divergent evolution
  • C) Parallel evolution
  • D) Coevolution

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Question 5

What is the main factor that drives natural selection?

  • A) Gene flow
  • B) Genetic drift
  • C) Mutation
  • D) Sexual reproduction

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