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Enzymes and Metabolism

Question 1

A student is investigating the effect of temperature on the activity of an enzyme that catalyzes the following reaction:

S + P -> Q

The student sets up five test tubes with the same amount of enzyme and substrate, and places them in different water baths at 10°C, 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C. After 10 minutes, the student measures the amount of product formed in each test tube. The results are shown in the table below:

Temperature (°C) Product Formed (mg)
10 2
20 4
30 6
40 5
50 3
  • A) 10°C
  • B) 20°C
  • C) 30°C
  • D) 40°C

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Question 2

What is an example of a metabolic pathway that involves a cycle of enzyme-catalyzed reactions?

  • A) Glycolysis
  • B) Krebs cycle
  • C) Calvin cycle
  • D) Both B and C

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Question 3

Which of the following statements best describes the graph?

  • A) The graph shows the effect of a competitive inhibitor on the rate of reaction of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
  • B) The graph shows the effect of a non-competitive inhibitor on the rate of reaction of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
  • C) The graph shows the effect of a pH on the rate of reaction of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
  • D) The graph shows the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.

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Question 4

What is the effect of lowering the activation energy of a chemical reaction?

  • A) It increases the rate of the reaction by making it more likely to occur.
  • B) It decreases the rate of the reaction by making it less likely to occur.
  • C) It changes the equilibrium constant of the reaction by altering the free energy change.
  • D) It has no effect on the rate or equilibrium of the reaction.

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Question 5

Following image shows a series of enzyme catalyzed reactions which is controlled by end-product-inhibition.

Which statement describes the end-product-inhibition?

  • A) If product X accumulates, it inhibits the production of Intermediate A.
  • B) End-product inhibition causes a build-up of intermediary products.
  • C) Product X inhibits Enzyme 3, so no more product X is produced.
  • D) Product X affects the structure of Initial substrate.

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