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Ecological Niches

Question 1

What is the primary function of a niche partitioning in a community?

  • A) To increase competition among species.
  • B) To decrease biodiversity.
  • C) To reduce resource overlap and promote coexistence.
  • D) To maximize the carrying capacity of the environment.

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Question 2

Which factor plays a significant role in phloem transport, allowing the contents to flow from sources to sinks?

Answer Species A Benefit Species B Benefit Harmful
A Yes Yes No
B Yes No No
C Yes No Yes
D No No No
  • A) A
  • B) B
  • C) C
  • D) D

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Question 3

Which of the following factors can influence the realized niche of a species?

Factor Influence on Realized Niche
Competition Reduces
Abiotic factors Expands
Predation Expands
Mutualism Reduces
  • A) Competition and Abiotic factors
  • B) Abiotic factors and Mutualism
  • C) Predation and Competition
  • D) Predation and Mutualism

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Question 4

Which type of ecological niche is best represented by image shown below?

  • A) Fundamental niche
  • B) Realized niche
  • C) Ecological niche
  • D) Niche partitioning

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Question 5

Image below shows a dung beetle, which has a food niche that involves feeding on feces of other animals. What is the main benefit of the dung beetle’s food niche?

  • A) It reduces competition with other herbivores.
  • B) It provides a source of nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • C) It helps in seed dispersal and soil fertility.
  • D) All of the above.

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