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Diversity of Organisms

Question 1

The image shows a phylogenetic tree representing the evolutionary relationships among various species. In a phylogenetic tree, what do the branch lengths typically represent?

  • A) Genetic diversity
  • B) Time since divergence
  • C) Geographic distribution
  • D) Number of shared traits

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Question 2

The image shows an example of a chromosome translocation event. In the context of genetics, what happens during a reciprocal translocation?

  • A) Two non-homologous chromosomes exchange segments
  • B) A chromosome fragment is lost
  • C) A chromosome duplicates itself
  • D) An extra chromosome is added

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Question 3

What is the significance of chromosomal inversions in speciation?

  • A) They have no impact on speciation
  • B) They can facilitate speciation by creating reproductive barriers
  • C) They prevent speciation by maintaining gene flow
  • D) They only occur in asexual organisms

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Question 4

Which factor is a key contributor to the variation in genome sizes among different species?

  • A) Number of chromosomes
  • B) Complexity of the organism
  • C) Number of genes
  • D) Chromosome length

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Question 5

What does the Human Genome Project primarily aim to do?

  • A) Clone humans
  • B) Sequence the entire human genome
  • C) Develop new medicines
  • D) Study human genetics

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