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Conservation of Biodiversity

Question 1

The image below shows deforested area with cleared land and stumps. Which human activity is a major cause of deforestation and a threat to biodiversity?

  • A) Pollution
  • B) Hunting
  • C) Urbanization
  • D) Logging

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Question 2

Which of the following terms describes the process of artificially maintaining the genetic diversity of a species through controlled breeding programs and genetic management?

  • A) Ecological succession
  • B) Genetic drift
  • C) Population bottleneck
  • D) Captive breeding

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Question 3

What is the term for the total number of different species in a particular area?

  • A) Eutrophication
  • B) Ecological footprint
  • C) Biodiversity
  • D) Biomagnification

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Question 4

The image below shows a greenhouse with various plant species. Which method of conservation involves the cultivation and maintenance of endangered plants in controlled environments like the one in the image?

  • A) Ex situ conservation
  • B) In situ conservation
  • C) Keystone predation
  • D) Natural selection

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Question 5

Which of the following is NOT a threat to biodiversity?

  • A) Climate change
  • B) Habitat destruction
  • C) Invasive species
  • D) Wildlife conservation efforts

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