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Cell Structure

Question 1

Which of the following characteristics is typical of prokaryotic cells?

  • A) Presence of a nucleus
  • B) Compartmentalized cell structure
  • C) 80S ribosomes
  • D) Naked DNA in the nucleoid

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Question 2

In a palisade mesophyll cell of a leaf, which organelles are primarily responsible for photosynthesis?

  • A) Mitochondria
  • B) 70S ribosomes
  • C) Chloroplasts
  • D) Pili

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Question 3

What does the image represent?

  • A) Eukaryotic cell structure
  • B) Plant cell structure
  • C) Prokaryotic cell structure
  • D) Animal cell structure

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Question 4

Which structure in a eukaryotic cell is shown in the image below?

  • A) Cell membrane
  • B) Nucleus
  • C) Golgi Apparatus
  • D) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

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Question 5

What is the key difference between electron microscopes and light microscopes in terms of their resolution?

  • A) Electron microscopes have lower resolution.
  • B) Light microscopes have lower resolution.
  • C) Both have similar resolution.
  • D) Resolution is not related to microscopy.

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