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Cell Respiration

Question 1

What is the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic cell respiration?

  • A) Aerobic cell respiration uses organic compounds, while anaerobic cell respiration uses inorganic compounds.
  • B) Aerobic cell respiration produces ATP, while anaerobic cell respiration produces ADP.
  • C) Aerobic cell respiration occurs in the mitochondria, while anaerobic cell respiration occurs in the cytoplasm.
  • D) Aerobic cell respiration requires oxygen, while anaerobic cell respiration does not.

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Question 2

What does process “A” and “B” represent, respectively?

  • A) Transpiration, Respiration
  • B) Photosynthesis, Respiration
  • C) Respiration, Transpiration
  • D) Respiration, Photosynthesis

Answers and Explanations

Question 3

What are the products of anaerobic cell respiration in animal cells and yeast cells, respectively?

Answer Products in Animal Cells Products in Yeast Cells
A Ethanol and carbon dioxide Ethanol and carbon dioxide
B Lactic acid and carbon dioxide Lactic acid and carbon dioxide
C Ethanol and carbon dioxide Lactic acid and carbon dioxide
D Lactic acid and carbon dioxide Ethanol and carbon dioxide
  • A) A
  • B) B
  • C) C
  • D) D

Answers and Explanations

Question 4

What is the role of oxygen in aerobic cell respiration?

  • A) Oxygen is the source of electrons for the electron transport chain.
  • B) Oxygen is the final electron acceptor for the electron transport chain.
  • C) Oxygen is the substrate for the Krebs cycle.
  • D) Oxygen is the product of the Krebs cycle.

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Question 5

The graph below shows the effect of light intensity on the rate of aerobic cell respiration in algae cells. Which of the following statements is correct?

  • A) The rate of aerobic cell respiration increases linearly with light intensity.
  • B) The rate of aerobic cell respiration decreases linearly with light intensity.
  • C) The rate of aerobic cell respiration increases with light intensity until it reaches a maximum value.
  • D) The rate of aerobic cell respiration decreases with light intensity until it reaches a minimum value.

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