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AI Essay Feedback

We are proud to introduce the latest tool which adds another dimension to our already wide range of services and products offered to help you make it to your dream university. From Personal Statements to Internal Assessments - our tool can do it all!


Our goal with this new tool is to empower students and educators to reach new heights with the power of rapdily developing AI-based solutions. We believe in taking advantage of the latest techonological developmenmts and want to help you do the same. We will make sure all your reports are corrected to the highest standard, and we are sure that our tool can help you achieve that!

How does it work?

Submit Your Essay

Use the button below to submit your essay! The essay will be directly received by our team, who will take it from there.

Make sure your essay is saved as a PDF or DOCX, not as a scan! 📄

Sit Tight

Our AI tool will now check, grade, and give feedback on your essay. It shouldn't take more than 1-2 minutes


Receive Your Report

Look out for an email from us, as you should have received the feedback to your essay! 📈🤝

*For now, to properly test our software we have to limit our essay grading sample to maximum 100 a week. More on that in the Terms of Use.

Of course, we want to ensure that the grading of the essays aligns with its grading criteria. Thus, the report you will get back from your essay will contain the scores for each grading criteria, as well as a description of what is done well, and what can be improved. Everything should be clear from the report too!

What sort of documents can I upload?

Personal Statements (coming soon!)

Get professional help on your personal statement, which is a crucial part of your application! Our tool together with a team of Cambridge recruitment officers will make sure your essays are of the highest standard.

Extended Essays

Correcting Extended Essays can also be easily done by our AI tool! As it is in the case of Internal Assessments, all humanities can be uploaded and feedback will be given :)

TOK Essay

Grade your TOK Essays according to the latest grading criteria. The criteria in our tool is out of 50 points (whereas the real essay is out of 10) to allow for a more detailed interpretation of the results, but don't worry, the grading system is the same!

Internal Assessments

We know that writing all of your Internal Assessments is hard, so we're here to help. Our AI-tool can also seemelessly provide feedback on all non-scientific subjects, mainly: English, Psychology, and History.

What now?

The first version of our tool is already live 🥳 You can use it to get feedback on your TOK Essay. We are currently working on making the system better, and implementing a similar solution for TOK Exhibition. It should be out towards the end of September, so stay tuned!

This week's essay counter:


Make sure you give us an email address you have access to, because the report will be sent to the address you specify here!